Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 2 - Theories...

Alright, now for this week. Theories...conflict, exchange, symbolic interaction, and systems theories are obviously all prevalent enough in society that they are easily recognizable but what does that mean for each of us, and for the family?
We spent a great deal of time talking about the systems theory which, to me, makes so much sense. The idea that everything is interconnected, however, it is a new one. Sir Isaac Newton stated, in reference to the laws of motion, that "every action has its equal and opposite reaction," and just as that's true in relation to motion, its truth is also consistent within family relationship as well. You can't change one thing without it having an effect on another; everything in life is interconnected.
I don't believe a family is intended to merely be a collection of individuals who happen to live together, that's sounds more like a dorm than a family. Now, it may seem like a simple concept, but nothing seems to come apart until it's pulled in different directions at the same time which is why is important to remember that with many things in life, but especially the family, it would be good to always keep in mind the motto of the Musketeers,"It's all for one, and one for all."

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Week 1

So sorry to back track like this but I'm new to blogging and wasn't quite sure how to go about this last week. I not sure how much I can promise coming out of this week either but I'm sure things will get better as we progress throughout the semester.
Jumping back, I really enjoyed the documentary we watched discussing the effects of the decline in global birth rates. Aside from the information that was presented on how the shrinking birthrates will effect the world as a whole, I find it interesting, and sad, to think about the societal shift in values which has had to have occurred in order to allow for such a dramatic change. Not to long ago it wasn't uncommon to come from a family of 5, or 6, or 7, or more, and now, if it seems as though it's plenty to have two, and if it could be one boy and one girl, well, that would be just perfect,
I'm not saying my wife and I are planning on having a huge family by any means, but I dunno, maybe we will. I think that what's most important is that rather than having some predetermined number of children and preferred genders already decided upon, you have the mindset, "Come what may, and love it," (Come What May, And Love It, Joseph B. Wirthlin, General Conference, October 2008) regardless of the timing or gender in which they arrive.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Test for Class

This is a test post, to see if our TA and the class can read/access my blog.
